
Shanghai Gold Exchange Daily Report

Please note that this page is available for the data started from Jan 1,2024.Please click Historical Date to get earlier information

Shanghai Gold Price Daily Report
Date Contract Open Highest Lowest Close Up/Down
Direction Delivery
2024-09-13 Au99.95 578.00 578.00 578.00 578.00 5.76 1.01% 578.00 20 11560000 -
2024-09-13 Au99.99 575.00 583.80 575.00 582.54 7.54 1.31% 582.72 9556.6 5568899555 -
2024-09-13 Au100g 578.80 585.00 578.80 584.85 9.69 1.68% 583.02 9.6 5597052 -
2024-09-13 iAu100g - - - - - 0 0 -
2024-09-13 iAu99.5 - - - - - 0 0 -
2024-09-13 iAu99.99 577.94 586.60 577.94 586.16 10.26 1.78% 585.84 43.64 25566382.2 -
2024-09-13 Au(T+D) 574.51 583.80 574.22 582.46 8.72 1.52% 581.00 40256 23389049180 204112 Short to Long 18488
2024-09-13 Au(T+N1) - - - - - 0 0 342
2024-09-13 Au(T+N2) - - - - - 0 0 1598
2024-09-13 mAu(T+D) 573.99 583.68 573.99 582.25 8.35 1.45% 582.30 7054.4 4107827420 711500 Long to Short 35568
2024-09-13 Pt99.95 233.49 233.49 233.48 233.48 5.71 2.51% 233.48 10 2334860 -
2024-09-13 Ag(T+D) 7134.00 7395.00 7121.00 7394.00 328 4.64% 7320.00 743408 5442216956 4512942 Short to Long 28980
2024-09-13 Ag99.99 - - - - - 0 0 0
2024-09-13 Au99.5 - - - - - 0 0 -
2024-09-13 NYAuTN06 584.95 585.15 584.95 585.05 8.9 1.54% 585.05 1.2 702060 256
2024-09-13 NYAuTN12 582.85 583.20 582.60 582.75 8.4 1.46% 582.95 5.6 3264620 656
2024-09-13 PGC30g 583.00 583.00 583.00 583.00 4 0.69% 583.00 0.06 34980 -
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Remark: The data comes out of the tradings on a trading day started from 20:00-02:30 on T-1 working day and continued from 09:00-15:30 on T working day.The data of first trading day after holiday only includes the data from 09:00-15:30 on T working day.The trading volume and trading amount are calculated in a two-way measurement.

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